- Political Movements: Disrupted Scores of Activism
- Travelling Hands: Somatics of Female Migrant Labor in and around Hamburg
- The Farm after the Feminist Ecological Revolution
- Revolutionary Women: Ella
- Mythbiographies
- Field Narratives
- Gymnastics and Borders
- Romy and Julia
- Sisters Alike. Female Identities in the Post-Utopian
- Feminities, Masculinities
- Sankt–Female Identities in the Post-Utopian
- Countenance
- Welcome / Willkommen
- Visiting Ukraine
- The Inner Mission
- One Year on the Island
- Storyboards
- Mennesket: Outline
- Skizze (zu Mennesket)
- Florence Nightingale
- Nana in front of the Asylum Seekers' Home Bibby
- Wonders